Thursday 10 March 2011

So, this is it! A whole new venture into the unknown.

or, to be precise. I decided to blog. My son talks about blogs, my friends blog, my friend's dog blogs. So here I am. Blogging. Is it like a diary? Or is it like Twitter, only with more than 140 characters. That will remain to be seen.

So, what's new with me? Well, a positive TB test is new. Or, at least we think it's positive! The blood tests which have now been cooking for over 72 hrs will qualify the truth. But, for now.. its looking like a reaction and so we must consider it to be positive. No point dwelling on it though, antibiotics for 3 months will sort it out. I wonder if alcohol will be allowed?

My dear husband just bought me a whole box of wine. And, its Pino Blush......

And by the way, the saga of the fridge freezer (Samsung, American, it was the object of my coveted lust for weeks, months, the past two years) continues. And we are no closer to replacing the damn thing. Frustrated beyond words. Thank goodness its March, its not warm and we have good neighbours who have lent us their freezer to get us through. Spent the evening googling little fridge, beer coolers, mini-fridge. Do you know how much those damn things cost?

I loath poor customer service and will be boycotting Comet from now on. Apart from the new Fridge Freezer we will need to purchase obviously.